About Me

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Hi! I've been a Ham since April of 2012! I've been interested since high school, but just got serious in the last year. I'm writing this blog to share, and chronicle my experiences as a brand new Ham Radio Operator. I currently have a Yaesu FT-60R Handy Talkie that i use a lot, and a Kenwood 820 HF Radio. I just recently got that from my Grandpa, and haven't set it up yet. I hope to very soon!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

The very first post!

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm doing a new blog about Apple Computers!  Each week I'll be doing at least one post, and possibly more than one each week.  I will talk about current products in Apple's lineup, past products Apple, has sold, and what may lay in store for Apple's future!  I just want to talk about Apple's computer products, and share my love of Apple Inc!!  I'll finish fleshing out the blog this weekend, and include info about myself, and my vision for this blog.  Talk to you later!  :-)